What is an Essential Oil Diffuser?
An essential oil diffuser utilizes a few drops of essential oil and breaks them down to smaller particles to be dispersed into the environment. Essential oil diffusers enable you to breathe in and reap all the aromatherapy properties of essential oils without using them directly. Essential oil dispensation in this way is effective in creating a relaxed and calming condition.
Selecting An Essential Oil Diffuser
Diffusers are available in various types with slight variants in terms of dimensions, material, diffusing mechanism, diffusion level/coverage, etc. When you are buying an essential oil diffuser in Malaysia, the following criteria should be part of your consideration.
- The place/room you intend to use the diffuser.
- If you are going to use it in the same room or different room or you need a mobile diffuser that you can carry with you on the go.
- Your room’s dimensions.
Using an Essential Oil Diffuser
It is also vital to follow the guidelines in terms of usage and diffusing time and the placement of the water and oils (directly or on an aroma pad).
Essential Oil Diffuser – Common Questions
How many drops of essential oil do you add to an aroma diffuser?
The number of drops of oil to add to the diffuser varies according to the depository levels
Where should I place my essential oil diffuser?
You may place your essential oil diffuser anywhere you wish to diffuse. If you intend to use it around kids or pets, ensure that you diffuse it in an exposed and well-aired room.
How do you clean an aroma diffuser?
The cleaning method is dependent on the type of diffuser you have and its model specification. Do check the manual or guidelines that come with your device in the package.
Different Types of Essential Oil Diffuser
Ceramic Diffuser
- Makes very little noise when activated.
- Ability to function with high temperature without using water to prevent humidity which may lead to bacteria build-up.
- Adjustable temperature from 45°C (low) – 130°C (high). We would suggest that you don’t set the temperature over 100°C to prevent essential oils from evaporating too fast and damaging the quality of diffusion
Natural Aroma Stone – Wood Aroma Diffuser
Non-fire incense devices include black walnut, rosewood, natural incense stone and other incense devices. They are suitable for burning incense in small rooms, washrooms, vehicles and others. This method of diffusing is eco-friendly and produce a lasting scent.
Conventional Candle or Tea Light Diffusers
A common aroma diffuser in Malaysia, these are the types of diffusers available in several gift shops and stores.
They come with a water container so you can drop a few drops of essential oil and then light a small candle or tea light beneath. The candle will heat up the water and diffuse the essential oils. The addition of a candle or tealight also creates a vibrant atmosphere.
The only problem with these types is that you cannot control the temperature of the water and essential oils. The process at times can burn off the essential oils if they are exposed to high temperature or heat for long, leading to oxidation and degrading the healing potency. It is also dangerous as it may catch fire from the naked candle flames.
A nebulizer flows through an air container across a small receiver that connects to the depository of the essential oil.
This high-velocity air transforms the oil into smaller particles which are then diffused throughout the room. This is by far the most natural and traditional way to diffuse essential oils without heat. The only drawback is that they need a small electrical motor to generate the jet of air and thus they can be a bit noisy. Oshadhi has two kinds of nebulizer available for sale – The Crystal diffuser with a wooden level and the Cool Breeze Micro-diffuser which is portable and activated by a 12-volt USB connector that works efficiently in a car.
Ultrasonic Diffusers
Over the past 15+ years, Ultrasonic Diffusers have been growing in popularity and you can spot them steaming off cool steam as an aspect of their aromatic action.
They have a great appearance and often come with various coloured lights, they can be adjusted and they are totally handy and easy to clean.
However, some people might not like them because of the way they function. They basically generate a set of sound waves and frequencies that surpass 20.000Hz, which are too high for the human ear. However, many pets and small animals can hear these sounds without problems. Ultrasonic diffuser is not harmful however some people might not feel comfortable with the sound waves. There is also a suspicion that they may impact the therapeutic properties of the oils used. Oshadhi currently does not have these diffusers.
Fan Diffusers with Fresh Air
Some diffusers may require adding some drops of oil on a pad where a fan generates cool air. It is easy and incredibly effective however these diffusers might tend to consume plenty of oil and sometimes do not emit a strong scent. Plus, their motor also makes them slightly noisy
Incorporating an essential oil diffuser into your home can be a nice way to enhance your aromatherapy practise and try out new oils and experience their properties. Do consider your diffusing needs, wants and requirements and go for the right type of model for your space. Also, make sure you follow all the instructions for safety and proper maintenance.